Catholic Diocese of Nellore is located in the south east of India along the sea coast of Bay of Bengal, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is 175 kmts north of Chennai (Madras). It has over 300 kmts of sea coast on one side. It is constituted of two civil districts viz. Nellore and Prakasam. It has 35,000 square kilometers of geographical area. There is a total population of 6 millions living in this area. Only 85,000 are Catholics. There are other Christians belonging to different denominations. Most of the people are Hindus and Muslims. Here all religions live in harmony and peace.




In general it is very hot throughout the year. In summer the heat reaches up to 47° Celsius. Even in winter it records up to 35°. Rice is the major crop that is cultivated but it depends on monsoon rains and the availability of water in the reservoirs. When monsoons are regular one can find the fields in flush green with rice and other plantations. However often it is a gambling for the poor farmers. The landless agricultural laborers suffer the most both when the monsoons fail and also when it rains excessively. Comparatively drought occurs more often than rains which cause seasonal migration. This disrupts the family and damages heavily the education and the future prospects of the children. The western part of the Diocese is dry area which constantly suffers from lack of rain and is prone to draught and famine. Costal side is affected by cyclones and floods. In 2004 it was severely hit by Tsunami.


Diocese of Nellore is working among the poorest of the poor in the society. It interacts and renders its services without any cultural, linguistic and religious barriers. There are 130 ordained priests, 150 Religious, 400 catechists and 250 teachers rendering their services in the Diocese. Besides the evangelization and pastoral care in 400 villages with 70 parishes the Diocese of Nellore is carrying out a number of charitable and humanitarian services to the poorest of the poor, namely, the landless agricultural laborers (daily wage winners) and their children. Here are some of these services:

Education is the only way for the poor children to come out of the vicious circle of poverty. Our Diocese schools mainly target the children who are not only from very poor families but also living in remote villages where there are no proper educational facilities. The parents of these children are landless agricultural laborers. They are constantly in search of work to earn daily wages and meet the daily basic needs of the family. At times they go to far away places in search of work and live away for many weeks and months. During this time they either take their children with them or leave them at home to be cared by the old members of their family. Either way, the children education, health and growth is severely damaged. We cannot expect these children with empty stomachs and improper clothing to sit in the class rooms and study. Many of them drop from the school. Some become child laborers. They are poorly nourished and prone to diseases. It is for such unfortunate children that the Diocese of Nellore is running schools with hostel facilities. In these educational institutions hundreds of children are accommodated. They are given shelter, food, medicine, clothing, books and other necessary things. All these arrangements help them to study peacefully and graduate from the schools. Thus there are 39 schools and 19 boarding homes in our Diocese. There are altogether 8506 children studying in our schools of which 867 are in our hostels. Indeed it is a very precious contribution for many generations of children who can hope for a better future. Each month we need to spend about US.$:6,250/- for this cause.


We run two separate homes with 30 children and young boys and girls in each home. These are not only form very poor families but also are mentally or physically handicapped. This makes their situation miserable. The parents are not in a position to take care of these children due to poverty and unemployment. The Diocese of Nellore is running a home for these children at Venkatachalam & Vedayapalem. Each month we spend about US. $, 3000/- for the maintenance of these two homes. Besides the monthly maintenance there is a need to make some more arrangements and repairs to be done to these houses.


Another area of our charitable works is a home for the deaf and dumb children who also hail from very poor families. In this home we are having 42 children. They are provided boarding and lodging. They receive formal education in the sign language in which they are able to communicate. We have appointed teachers who are specialized in the art of sign language. Each month we spend about U.S. $: 1500/- for the maintenance of this home, which certainly, is making a great difference in the lives of the poor children whose speech and hearing is impaired. Here too there is a need to improve the facilities.


Though some claim that leprosy is eradicated in the world there are still a good number of our brothers and sisters going around in the streets and begging for their sustenance. Due to the disease they are driven away from their homes. They try to establish there own families and groups. Thus they go around from township to township begging for food and money. They live under trees and in the streets. This is a shame for the human dignity and to the society at large. To prevent such inhuman situation we have established three rehabilitation centers in different places. Houses are built for more than 125 families and other individuals living in these three colonies. As they cannot work we provide them food ration, medicines and clothes all through the year. We also make arrangements for the education of their children. This is a noble task for which we need the support of generous donors. Each month we spend about U.S.$. 5000/- for the over all maintenance of these three colonies for the Lepers. There is a need to build new houses and repair the old ones. We also need to create other facilities for the residents.


Besides helping the High school level education we are also providing scholarships to young students who are very poor. These scholarships help them to complete a job oriented course and later on to stand on their own legs. Every year we aim at helping about 600 students with our scholarships. It will be costing us U.S.$: 62,000/- each year. We are looking for generous donors who can support us financially to carry out this project ahead and render timely help to the most deserving young boys and girls.


Dear Friends, above I have tried to present to you a general picture of the Diocese of Nellore and its versatile charities and services carried out for the benefit of the poor. These services are integral part of our Pastoral ministry and evangelization. We will be able to carry-on all these services only with the help of God which comes to us through generous donors like you. I invite you to become part of our mission here among the poorest of the poor. Each penny received from you shall be used with gratitude and great responsibility.

Yours truly,

Bishop Moses D. Prakasam,

Bishop’s House Nellore – 524 001.Andhrapradesh, INDIA. Tel: 0091-861-23310191;
Personal:0091-9849165697; Fax:0091-861-2323950

God bless you with good health, joy and peace.
Please pray for us & support us


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